Thursday, July 25, 2013

Plastic Milk Carton Flower

I made the above flower to use for my project.

What you will need:
  • a plastic milk carton
  • bottle cap
  • scissors
  • pen or pencil
  • hot glue
  • metal hanger
  • pliers
  • tin can
  • pick
  • wire cutters

How to create the flower:

To make the top of the flower: First, you want to take your milk carton and measure out/ cut out however many petals of the same size that you want.  Then, take your glue gun and hot glue each petal to the bottle cap (make sure to allow time to let each petal dry and to hold each petal while it drys until you go onto the next). 

To make the bottom of the flower: Take your wire cutters and snip off the straight part of your metal hanger.  Then, take your pick and place it in the center of the tin can.  Gently put your hand on the top of the pick and push it down so that you make a small hole through the tin can.  Place the metal hanger in the hole and use the pliers to bend the hanger under the can.  Finally, take the hot glue and glue the bent part of the hanger to the tin can and glue around the top of the can where the hanger meets that can.  Glue the back of the flower to the metal hanger and allow time to dry.

Comment below if you have any questions/advice and tell me what you think!  The more input I get, the better thanks

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