Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Garden is Finished!!!!

Above is the finished garden at the Senior Center.  I added the bird bath and the stepping stones into the garden.  As you can see by the above picture, it IS possible to make a garden out of things that can and cannot be recycled.  Please, I would like to know what you think about my project... Thanks!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finished Bird Bath

The above pictures are of the finished bird bath!!  First, I bought Rust-oleum spray paint and I put down a tarp outside.  I sprayed the bird bath with two coats of Rust-oleum paint and I'm going to allow it to dry overnight.  Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bird Bath

The above pictures are of the bird bath when I first received it because the owner was going to get rid of it. The pictures below are of the bird bath after a few adjustments:

First, I scraped off loose paint.  Then, I used a steel brush to brush any other loose paint off and any corrosion/rust underneath the paint .  Finally, I used sandpaper to rub off the surface and clean off any rust or imperfections which will in turn make the new paint stick to it better.  I am going to be spray painting the bird bath!!  Let me know what you think!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Stepping Stones

Recently, with my Girl Scout Troop, we created 10 stepping stones to be placed in the garden leading up to the birdbath.  Each girl got to decorate the stones with titles that I broke, marbles, and fake jewels.  Here are the steps on how to make stepping stones:

1)  First, you need to purchase Quick Set Cement (I bought a 10 pound bag) and you need to find something to put the cement in (I re-used 6 cake tins and 4 weight watcher plastic containers).  Also, buy anything that you want to place in the wet stones.

2)  Once you have all your supplies, use Pam to spray all the containers (this will help the stepping stones come out when they are dry).

3)  Then, mix the cement in a bucket with water (adding water as needed) and stir the cement with a wooden stick.

4)  Place equal amounts in the containers.

5)  Working quickly before the cement dries, decorate as you would like.  When you are done placing items into the wet stones, I would recommend that you wipe them so you can clearly see what you have placed in them.

6)  Wait at least a day before you remove the stepping stones from the containers.

Let me know what you think!!  

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Mural!

Above is a picture of the mural that was created!  

Additional work to be done for the garden

I was asked to make some adjustments and additions to the garden at the Senior Center of Brady Park.  With the help of a muralist, a mural of a rainbow and butterflies has been created on the back wall of the garden.  In addition, mums have been added to the garden to brighten it up!  With my Girl Scout Troop, I presented my project and we created stepping stones to be placed in the garden.  Finally, I have been in search of a bird bath. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Finished Senior Center!!

This is a picture of the finished project at the Senior Center of Brady Park!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sign for Senior Center

This is a picture of the sign to be placed in the garden.  All I used was scrap wood and a wood burner pen.  Then, I sealed it with polyurethane. 

Angel for Senior Center

I made this angel to be placed in the garden for the Senior Center.

What you will need:
  • Styrofoam ball
  • tin can
  • plastic milk carton or plastic binder
  • gold pipe cleaners
  • sharpie
  • metal hangers
  • scissors
  • wire cutters
  • pencil
  • metal cutting sheers
  • sheet metal screws
  • drill
  • hot glue
How to create the angel:

First,  take the metal cutting sheers and cut the tin can from top to base and halfway around the base.  Then, bend the tin can to form a cone and drill holes to secure the cone with the screws (trim the can metal as appropriate to form the cone).   Next, drill a small hole in the middle of the base and put a metal hanger through the hole and through the Styrofoam head bending the tips of the hanger to secure the head to the cone.  Add some hot glue around the head  and cone for extra support.  To make the wings, trace two wings out on a plastic binder of milk carton with a pencil and cut them out.  Then, drill small holes into the back of the cone and secure the wings with sheet metal screws.  To make the halo, shape the metal hanger in the shape of a halo and stick into the Styrofoam.  Put the gold pipe cleaners around the metal hanger.  Finally, decorate the Styrofoam head with a face using sharpie.  Please comment below and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.. Thanks!!

Wooden Trellises

This is a picture of the wooden trellises that I am putting in the garden.  I painted both of them black and stapled the flowers and butterflies that I created onto them.  Comment below.. what does everyone think of these?

Butterflies for Senior Center Garden

The picture above is of a butterfly that I am going to use in the garden.

What you will need:
  • cork
  • plastic binder or milk carton
  • pipe cleaner
  • hot glue
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • knife
  • wire cutters
  • pick
How to create the butterfly:

First, you want to take the plastic binder or milk carton and measure out two wings with your pencil.  Then, cut out the wings with your scissors.  Next, take the cork and carefully with your knife make small semi-deep indents in the sides of the cork and put hot glue in the indents.  Place each wing on and hold until they dry.  Then, add more hot glue to the wings to secure it.  Finally, using the wire cutters, cut two tiny pieces of pipe cleaner and make two indents in the top of the cork with the pick,  Put the two pieces of pipe cleaner in the indents and add some hot glue.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Street Fair in Massapequa

On August 4th, I helped out at the Street Fair in Massapequa.  I informed others about my project and did a craft with the children there (2 shown above).  They used bottle caps and created flowers, turtles, teddy bears, monsters, etc.  I had lots of people who were interested in my project.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Plastic Milk Carton Flower

I made the above flower to use for my project.

What you will need:
  • a plastic milk carton
  • bottle cap
  • scissors
  • pen or pencil
  • hot glue
  • metal hanger
  • pliers
  • tin can
  • pick
  • wire cutters

How to create the flower:

To make the top of the flower: First, you want to take your milk carton and measure out/ cut out however many petals of the same size that you want.  Then, take your glue gun and hot glue each petal to the bottle cap (make sure to allow time to let each petal dry and to hold each petal while it drys until you go onto the next). 

To make the bottom of the flower: Take your wire cutters and snip off the straight part of your metal hanger.  Then, take your pick and place it in the center of the tin can.  Gently put your hand on the top of the pick and push it down so that you make a small hole through the tin can.  Place the metal hanger in the hole and use the pliers to bend the hanger under the can.  Finally, take the hot glue and glue the bent part of the hanger to the tin can and glue around the top of the can where the hanger meets that can.  Glue the back of the flower to the metal hanger and allow time to dry.

Comment below if you have any questions/advice and tell me what you think!  The more input I get, the better thanks

Senior Center of Brady Park

The above picture is outside of the Senior Center in Brady Park where I am going to be putting my garden made of recyclable materials and non-recyclable materials.  I plan on putting  flowers along the perimeter of this area and an angel in the center.  Also, I hope to string butterflies from wall to wall.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Coca Cola Can Flower

I made coca cola flowers to use for my project.  Each coca cola can makes two flowers.
What you will need:
  • a clean coca cola can
  • exact-o-knife
  • metal hanger
  • pliers
  • tin can
  • hot glue
  • pick
  • wire cutters
How to create the flower:
To make the top of the flower: First, you want to take your coca cola can and cut it in half with the exact-o-knife.  Then, you want to take one half of the can and cut strips from the base of the can to the edge that you just cut.  Next, you fold back the strips and you made the top of the flower!  You can repeat the following steps to create a second flower. 
To make the bottom of the flower: Take your wire cutters and snip off the straight part of your metal hanger.  Then, take your pick and place it in the center of the tin can.  Gently put your hand on the top of the pick and push it down so that you make a small hole through the tin can.  Place the metal hanger in the hole and use the pliers to bend the hanger under the can.  Finally, take the hot glue and glue the bent part of the hanger to the tin can and glue around the top of the can where the hanger meets that can.  Glue the back of the flower to the metal hanger and allow time to dry.
Comment below if you have any questions/advice/tell me what you think

About Me

Hi guys!  My name is Danielle and I am working on my Gold Award Project for Girl Scouts (the Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout can achieve).  I've decided to focus on pollution, recycling, and environmental concerns in the Massapequa community, starting with beautifying an empty area in front of the Senior Center of Brady Park.  I am creating flowers out of various different items that we recycle and cannot recycle.  Also, I'm working on other items like butterflies and angels to place in this area of Brady.  On my blog, I plan on showing my viewers some of the things that I am creating for the areas I'm beautifying and I am looking for input, so feel free to comment.  Thank you for your help and I hope you are inspired to make some of the things I show on my blog.